Is Chipper cash Approved by CBN?

Is Chipper cash approved by CBN?
Is Chipper cash approved by CBN?

Yes, Chipper Cash is approved by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

  • Chipper Cash’s Terms of Use: Their website explicitly states that they operate under two separate entities:
    • IWADE MICROFINANCE BANK LTD provides domestic P2P mobile money transfers within Nigeria.
    • Voyse Technologies Nigeria Limited is a CBN-approved International Money Transfer Operator (IMTO) for international remittances.
  • CBN List of Approved IMTOs: Voyse Technologies Nigeria Limited (operating as Chipper Cash) is present on the CBN’s list of approved IMTOs as of February 1, 2024. You can find it here: [[invalid URL removed]]([invalid URL removed])

Therefore, Chipper Cash operates legally in Nigeria with proper authorization from the CBN for both domestic and international money transfer services.

However, it’s important to remember that:

  • Always confirm information directly: You can reach out to Chipper Cash directly or refer to their official website for the latest updates regarding their regulatory status and services.
  • Be mindful of potential risks: As with any financial service, responsible use and awareness of associated risks are crucial. Ensure you understand their terms, fees, and any limitations before relying on Chipper Cash for your financial needs.

I hope this comprehensive information helps!

See also  Can I open Chipper cash without BVN? 2024

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